international roaming sim card
Why Military Families Need A Wireless Internet Hotspot Device
If you’re a military family, then you understand what it’s like to always be on the move; It’s a staple of the military lifestyle. When you move from one base to another, following assignments as needed to do your duty as a service member, you cannot limit your connectivity due to the lack of internet…read more
10 Tips for Staying Connected with Your Service Person When They’re Abroad, Pt 2
Welcome back to our blog page here at Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot! Since communication is what we do, we make it our business to have one of the best coverage maps you can find. With a presence on every continent and complete worldwide coverage being something that we aim to have in the near future,…read more
Tips for Business Travel in Singapore
More and more U.S. companies are traveling to Asian countries to do business, and Singapore is no exception. These economic powerhouses, including China, Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines, are seeing more and more business travel from the West. When you visit Singapore, you might be shocked to recognize many chains from back home. That being…read more
Tips for Business Travel in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia and the United States have a long history of working together well, so it isn’t surprising that you will soon be traveling there for work. However, the extensive history of good relations between these two countries isn’t sufficient to make a good impression on your Saudi colleagues. There are many cultural differences between…read more
Parenting Through Deployment: How International WiFi Helps
Deployment is the biggest struggle of being a military parent. While there is no quick and easy way to prepare your child for your deployment, and every family will be different in regards to what you need, it’s important to have a plan in mind. Being apart from your child is always difficult, but it…read more
8 Must-Have Business Travel Apps
Business travel comes with its difficulties, but fortunately, the evolution of technology has made it easier than ever. Long gone are the days when you had to chase down a phone booth to communicate with colleagues or wait until your family received your postcard to get in touch with them. Today, you can reach anyone…read more
Tips for Preventing International Business Travel Burnout
When you first started your job, the prospect of traveling internationally on a regular basis sounded thrilling. Over time, however, the glamour wore off, and now the constant revolving door of new faces, small airplane seats, and airport food leaves you feeling cold. This busy lifestyle causes many international business travelers to burn out. Signs…read more
What You Need to Know Before You Drive Abroad
When you are traveling internationally for work, it’s important to plan how you will get around once you arrive at your destination. In some cities, public transportation will be sufficient, but in many places, it will make more sense for you to rent a car to get to and from your meetings. This can be…read more
The Truth About Local and International SIM cards (and Sapphire’s wireless internet hotspot solution)
While we travel, we need the internet. It’s our way to connect back to home, share moments with others, and stay in touch with all the new people we meet. For international business travelers, the internet is crucial to stay on top of deals, trends, and opportunities. For nomads, the internet is a necessity to…read more
Want internet anywhere in the world? Get this one wireless internet hotspot device today!
We all know what it’s like trying to access the internet while traveling internationally. The data fees, SIM cards, and pay-as-you-go phones pile up. Unfortunately, some think this is a necessary evil when going from one country to the next. It’s not. What if you could carry the internet around in your pocket, pay data…read more