Heading off to college is exciting and scary at the same time, but heading abroad for college comes with a whole slew of additional worries. A semester abroad can be an enriching experience for not only the student but the family. New languages, new cultures, different time zones – it’s a learning curve for parents and students alike. Staying connected shouldn’t be a hassle which is where Sapphire portable hotspot can help. In fact, more than 50% of U.S. students study in European countries so you’re not alone. Here is a list of the top countries for studying abroad:
Studying Abroad in Germany
Students don’t have to “sprechen sie Deutsch” to study in Germany. Nearly every sizable university in Germany has a webpage available in English and it’s easy looking up all the info they need. Germany is a favorite for international students and they’ll be welcomed into a warm, diverse student body from around the world. Learn more with this guide to study abroad in Germany.
Studying Abroad in France
Beyond the vibrant streets and cafés of Paris, France also offers the coastal beauty of the French Riviera and the charm of Aix-en-Provence. The number of college and university programs is enormous. If studying French, art, design, wine, and cuisine, this is the place to be. Not only that, Paris is one of the multicultural centers of the world, so they are sure to experience a wide range of cultural opportunities.
Studying Abroad in Italy
Rome, Venice, Milan, Lake Cuomo, Tuscany, this southern Mediterranean country is popular among foodies and history buffs. There are many majors who could benefit from studying in Italy. From fashion to music, architecture to art history the possibilities are endless. Italy is one of the more accessible countries for English-speaking students.
Before they embark, make sure they learn some basic words and phrases they’ll need to get by. Hello, goodbye, please, thank you, and excuse me are the most important. Another one, “do you speak English?” is always helpful. You may be surprised how many people in Europe do. “I don’t understand” and “I’m sorry, I don’t speak German/French/Spanish” are equally important. In fact, Google Translate has an iOS and Android app that they can download and use on their smartphone or tablet. Both versions of the apps do the same things, with a few minor user interface differences. It all depend on the operating system they’re using. Read more.
Wherever your student chooses to go, make sure they have reliable internet access. Internet is not as easy overseas. With Sapphire portable hotspot, they’ll have access to a strong 4G connection in more than 130 countries, and with our affordable data plans with options per country, Sapphire is a must-have for students thousands of miles away. They can call home using web-based apps like WhatsApp and Skype and save hundreds of dollars. After all, there’s no place like home!
By Gregory Michael