Keeping Your Sanity During Your Tour of Duty, Pt 2
Welcome back to our blog series on staying sane during tours of duty and Permanent Changes of Station. At Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot, our purpose is to keep you connected with the people you care about, give you the ability to maintain your monthly bill payments, and stay current on the news, events, and happenings…read more
Keeping Your Sanity during Your Tour of Duty, Pt 1
At Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot, we value connectivity, the ability to maintain your business dealings anywhere, at any time, and the freedom to stay in touch with your loved ones no matter what kind of physical distance separates you. Sapphire works around the clock to make sure that our wireless hotspots are keeping you connected.…read more
10 Tips for Staying Connected With Your Service Person While They’re Overseas, Pt 1
At Sapphire Mobile Hotspot, the name of the game is staying connected. We work endlessly to ensure that you can keep up with the stock market trends while you’re on your business trip in Eastern Europe, stay connected to friends and family while you’re deployed in Columbia, or pay bills online while you’re traveling in…read more
Tips for Business Travel in Indonesia
Not everyone is aware of the fact that Indonesia is actually one of the largest countries in the world—it is the fourth most populated country. Because of how many people there are in Indonesia, it is highly likely that international business travelers will find themselves in this country at some point or another. If you…read more
Tips for Business Travel in England
If you have never been to England before, you are probably eagerly anticipating your impending business trip there. Because the United States was first colonized by England and the two countries share a language, many business travelers make the mistake of assuming that there aren’t too many cultural differences to contend with when it comes…read more
Tips for Business Travel in Sweden
If you have never been to Scandinavia before, you are in for a real treat when you head to Sweden on business. This beautiful country is well-known for its gorgeous scenery, humanitarian efforts, and tasty meatballs. As lovely as Sweden is, just like any country, it has certain cultural norms that, if violated, can cause…read more
Tips for Business Travel in The Philippines
The Philippines is one of the largest countries in Asia, which is increasingly becoming a huge business ally to companies in the U.S. Much like the United States, The Philippines is influenced by many different cultures. While it sits in the heart of South Asia, it has been influenced by Mexico, the U.S., and Spain.…read more
Tips for Business Travel in Russia
Despite the current global political climate, many more companies across the world are conducting business with Russia. Over time, Russia has become increasingly westernized, but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t cultural differences that U.S. citizens should keep in mind when meeting with their Russian colleagues. Cultural issues can make the difference between a successful…read more
Tips for Business Travel in Germany
Are you headed to Germany soon for business? Lucky you! Germany is a beautiful country with great food and beer! That being said, it is a very different culture from the United States, and particularly when you are conducting business there, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the social norms of the country. That’s why…read more
A Guide to Traveling Alone on Business
When you are traveling for business, sometimes you may be with colleagues, but often times, you will be alone. Traveling alone is a thrilling experience. You get to do what you want, when you want, and go with the flow instead of adapting someone else’s needs and desires. However, it can also be stressful, especially…read more