Ways to Use Your Sapphire MiFi While Traveling
You may not realize just how much of an ally your Sapphire MiFi can be as an international business traveler. Sure, you might be able to get a connection by jumping from public WiFi network to public WiFi network (though if you do this, you are putting your security at risk). Furthermore, the constant connecting…read more
A Comprehensive Guide to Traveler’s Rewards Programs
Like anything, there is a right way and a wrong way to travel internationally for business. One of the most crucial tasks you have in front of you is to sign up for traveler’s rewards programs. This ensures that you are getting the best deals possible. To help you take advantage of these rewards, we…read more
Tips for Managing Business Travel Expenses
You have spent the last week flying to another country, running from meeting to meeting without a moment to yourself, and flying back home. You’re tired, jet-lagged, and not feeling up to much of anything. The last thing you want to do is sift through all of the various pieces of paper you collected on…read more
Making the Most of Downtime on Your Flight
For many people, the toughest part of international business travel is flying there and back. With a flight that is eight hours or more, there is a lot of downtime to fill, and you hardly want to sit there twiddling your thumbs. So what exactly can you do to pass the time? In this blog,…read more
Travel Tips for Port Calls
You have the opportunity to meet up with your partner in the middle of their deployment for a port call. Congratulations! This is an exciting opportunity that not every military spouse receives, so of course, you want to make the most of it. This port call might feel like a second honeymoon, but given the…read more
How to Keep Your Relationship Strong While You Travel for Work
International business travel has its perks. You get to experience new things, immerse yourself in different cultures, and you become an excellent packer. That being said, when you travel all the time for work, you spend significantly less time at home, and that can have a big impact on your relationship. Long distance love affairs…read more
Coping With the Deployment Blues
Deployment is hard on military families. At a moment’s notice, your loved one could come home and say, “I have to go.” Whether it is six months or a year and a half, for those left behind, the time can drag on for an eternity. When you are missing your spouse, you might be trying…read more
Using Your Mobile Phone Abroad
You’re used to always having your cell phone on hand when you need it. Whether you want to look up reviews for a new restaurant, text a friend to let them know you’re running late, or use a navigation app to get you where you need to go, these days, having a mobile phone is…read more
Tips for Saving Time When Traveling on Business
Time is money, and no one wants to waste either on a business trip. Every second is important in order to get done what you need to do, and certain time-wasting tasks can feel especially draining when you have so much on your to-do list. You may find yourself feeling quite anxious in moments when…read more
How to Travel With Electronics
When you are traveling internationally for business, chances are, you’re going to need some of your electronic devices. These days, almost no one travels without at least their smartphone, but if you are going to be working from the road (or, as it were, plane), you’ll likely also need other electronics, such as your laptop.…read more