International Wifi
What’s Up with Purple?
You’ve probably noticed the changes we’re making to the website. You could be wondering about the addition of the TravelWifi name because it might not be how you know us. And…you could be wondering, what’s up with purple? TravelWifi is the name we’ve chosen to represent our new brand and our commitment to our customers…read more
Internet Security While Traveling on Business
When traveling for business, a steady, secure internet connection is a must. These days, that’s simply a fact of doing business. Every serious business traveler seriously considers business WiFi. Since you’re not in your office with your company’s digital protections, hopping online can be a bit more complicated. Keep these tips in mind for better…read more
How Do I Get WiFi When Traveling in Europe?
What are you looking forward to most on your upcoming trip to Europe? Is it the food? The culture? The cobblestone streets? There are myriad reasons to head to Europe. And one fun reason is that it gives you the chance to fill your passport with stamps — without wasting a ton of time on…read more
Happy Birthday Air Force!
Many people don’t know how extensive the history of the U.S. Air Force really is. It’s official founding was on September 18, 1947, but it started long before. This year, we’re giving you a brief history lesson on this band of aviators to say Happy Birthday Air Force! How It All Began In 1907, the…read more
Destination – Oktoberfest
Many people have a fall trip to Germany on their bucket list to celebrate Oktoberfest. This famous festival has grown and now boasts more than 7 million attendees each year. If you’re traveling to Munich to partake in the 16 days of festivities, make sure you stay connected with wi-fi in Germany at your fingertips!…read more
Back to School – Stay Connected with Video Apps
One of the most challenging hardships while being deployed is being separated from family and friends for extended periods. It’s especially hard when it’s back-to-school time. Staying connected is now easier than ever. A stream of video chat apps provide that valued face time with those you love most. In fact, studies on happiness have…read more
Tips for secure Wi-Fi overseas
Smartphones have revolutionized the way we travel. The iPhone hit the market in 2007, soon followed by Android devices and thousands of apps. The internet has also made it easier to make and change plans while traveling. Smartphones with fast download speeds allow us to get directions, make reservations, and even get fast translations on…read more
Studying abroad? How to Stay Connected Overseas
Heading off to college is exciting and scary at the same time, but heading abroad for college comes with a whole slew of additional worries. A semester abroad can be an enriching experience for not only the student but the family. New languages, new cultures, different time zones – it’s a learning curve for parents…read more
Take a family road trip this summer!
With Sapphire you can stay connected during summer travel, but where to go is a big decision. If you are returning from deployment overseas, a family adventure with a summer road trip can help you unwind and create amazing memories. Back in the USA, July is one of the most popular times for a family…read more
Capitalizing On Retirement: Tips To Travel More Without Breaking The Budget
This is what dreams are made of: Living a life that allows you to pack up and head out on a trip whenever you choose. Sounds idyllic, right? This is often the perception of retirement. It’s what so many of us have worked so hard for years in order to achieve. But now that you’ve…read more