It's Simple

Just turn it on and your Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot will appear as a private WiFi network on all your devices.
Connect, choose a data plan, and you’re good to go.

Quick Set Up Instructions

Quick Start Instructions - Sapphire

  1. Use your phone or laptop to create an account using the Sapphire mobile app or online at
  2. Verify your e-mail address.
  3. Activate your Sapphire hotspot inside the Sapphire app or online at
  4. Login to your account.
  5. Connect your favorite devices to get online!

Product Dimensions

Comparable to iPhone 13

Sapphire 3

iPhone 13

Sapphire Power

“It [Sapphire] gives me one less thing to worry about...knowing I can stay connected in a foreign country”

Hussain Alkinani

Project Manager

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