Monthly Archives: July 2018
Important Tips When Traveling To Brazil For Business: Part III
We’re excited to see that you’ve joined us again on our international WiFi mobile hotspot powered blog! In part one and two of this blog series we shared some cultural splendor to take advantage of while traveling through Brazil and business traditions to expect while in the country. In this post, we’ll share our final…read more
Important Tips When Traveling to Brazil for Business: Part II
Welcome back to the Sapphire mobile hotspot blog! In part one of this series, we shared some brief information on the cultural splendor of Brazil and what to expect when scheduling a business meeting in the country. In this post, we’ll share more cultural norms and expectations so you can be ready to show respect…read more
Important Tips When Traveling to Brazil for Business: Part I
Business travel is a science. Those who are veterans know what it takes to efficiently and effectively make the most of their international travels. If you’re new to international business travel, you’ve probably already noticed a few hurdles you have to jump in order to even take off from the airport. You need a valid,…read more
Important Tips When Traveling to China for Business
Welcome back to our Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot blog! Giving people back the freedom to connect, to stay updated, and reach out has always been a passion of ours. We allow the business professional traveling in Europe connect with his or her family by providing consistent and reliable internet. We allow the young Marine or…read more
Important Tips When Travelling in Europe for Business, Pt 2
Welcome back to our blog series on the best tips for traveling to Europe! Here at Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot, we’re staying as busy as you are in an effort to keep you connected to the people you care about, keeping you updated on your favorite movies and TV, and always letting you remain in…read more
Important Tips When Travelling in Europe for Business, Pt 1
All of us know what a pain it can be to try and get reliable internet when you’re traveling internationally. You’re either dealing with slow service, a patchy connection, or overpriced WiFi. When you’re on a business trip in a foreign country or you’re stationed abroad, having reliable internet is a must. With Sapphire International…read more
What to Pack For Your Military Tour of Duty, Pt 2
Welcome back to our blog series on the vital items to pack for your military tour of duty! Here at Sapphire International Wireless Hotspot, we believe in your need to connect with the world around you. People are social creatures; we were never meant to do life alone. Connecting is our specialty at specialty…read more
What to Pack For Your Military Tour of Duty
Welcome back to our blog page here at Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot! No matter your reason for wanting portable WiFi while you’re traveling internationally, the ability to stay connected to the people you love through reliable internet is a must. The necessity to maintain your online obligations while you’re traveling is something that is also…read more
Important Tips When Traveling To Denmark For Business: Part IV
Traveling internationally for business is an exciting experience. Your business is considered global as soon as it expands beyond the borders of your country. As you travel, you’ll want to stay connected to the internet; it’s where most business communication for international engagements takes place, anyway. So how do you do this and stay efficient…read more
The Biggest International Travel Mistakes, Pt 2
Welcome back to our Sapphire blog page! We’ve had so much fun writing all about international travel and the need for WiFi even when you’re in a foreign country. When you’re used to easy-access WiFi that is free or inexpensive, traveling to a place that has a much higher demand for WiFi or has WiFi…read more